In the Neighborhood: Bashful Blooms

Are you looking to support a wonderful and kind business, along with supporting your community? The answer to this tall order might just be a couple blocks down at Bashful Blooms, a local flower shop doing good in our community. Although this business is now wonderful, it did not form overnight! When asked, ‘What inspired you to start your business,’ Bashful Blooms’ owner responded, “I was always happiest with my hands in the dirt. I loved spending hours in the garden as a child with my great-grandmother in the summers. As an adult, gardening was my escape after a stressful day of working in the healthcare industry (of which I went to college for). I loved to grow flowering plants so I could cut them and make little posey arrangements with them that I could bring inside my home. Then I would make some to bring to work, sharing them with coworkers, patients, and friends. I loved to share my little flower arrangements with others(,) especially when I got to see how much the blooms made them smile.” As demonstrated in the quote above, Bashful Blooms was purely inspired through a passion for gardening and as a break away from our stressful world. This true joy and passion is demonstrated through the high-quality products provided at Bashful Blooms. When asked about a mission statement for their business, the entrepreneur says, “I started thinking about why I got into healthcare. I wanted to help people; see the smiles on their faces when they got better. Now, I couldn’t see them. Now, I wasn’t sure I was making as much of a difference in people’s lives as I wanted to. What I did know what that I was making people happy with my flowers, and I was happiest when growing and arranging my flowers.” This shows how the true purpose of Bashful Blooms is to spark joy and make others happy, a trait not often found in big-box companies. Another quote that expresses how Bashful Blooms is looking out for the better of our community is the following, “Community is key. We have established a fund to help support our community. Our “Pay It Forward Flowers” campaign is an important aspect of Bashful Blooms. We donate flowers to nursing homes, senior centers, assisted living facilities, the food pantry, and other various groups within our community that need the joy that fresh blooms bring. That’s where my love of flowers started. Sharing with others that needed a pick-me-up that flowers tend to provide. They make people smile. “Pay It Forward Flowers” accepts donations from our customers and the community to help us give back flowers to as many as we can. Our biggest donation of blooms each year is during Valentine’s Week. We LOVE to spread LOVE through blooms.” In total, if you are looking for high-quality products that care about your community, go visit your local Bashful Blooms today!