Mental Health Awareness: Set a Routine

Mental Health Awareness: Set a Routine

Mrs. Bruno has shared some helpful tips with me on self-care for students. The first tip is to write down a daily routine. Be sure to add breaks in between to avoid burnout. Next is to practice mindfulness and gratitude. Be sure to take breaths during the day. Some apps could also help to keep you calm and focused. Another good tip is to make healthy choices like not overeating junk food. Another idea is to have a check-in buddy. A check-in buddy is someone you can trust to talk to, and you can each share problems you face. Don’t just talk about school; talk about anything troubling you at the moment. Finally, it is a good idea to make sure that you get enough sleep each night. Using apps can help you relax before bed. There are many good apps that provide free sleep stories to help you with this.