Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy

You may think staying healthy is too hard and too complicated, but really, it’s not! Here are some simple tips on keeping a healthy lifestyle.

  • Keep a BALANCED diet.

A common misconception is that you can only stay healthy if you eat fruits and vegetables ALL THE TIME. True, those things are very good for your body and immune system, but that does not mean you have to eliminate all sugar and sodium from your diet. As long as you keep healthy meals with protein, vegetables, fruit, grains, and dairy (preferably not processed foods) in your diet, it’s okay to have some snacks or dessert every once in a while!  A helpful resource if you want to know what sorts of things to add to a meal is MyPlate.

  • Exercise!

You probably hear this a lot, but it’s important! Exercise is key to staying healthy and staying in shape. This does not mean that you need to go outside and run 4 miles and you’re set for the week. You should maintain at least 20 minutes of physical activity most days. That can include gym class, sports, or any other activities that require you to get moving. If you do not have the opportunity to do these things, even going outside to go on a walk or a bike ride can be a part of the exercise. Just keep in mind that it has to be consistent.

  • Sleep

Sleep is a huge part of your life. It affects your mood, body, and brain. Sleep is your body’s time to recharge, and as kids, you need a lot of time to recharge. According to the CDC, an appropriate amount of sleep for 13-18-year-olds is 8-10 hours per 24 hours, and the appropriate amount of sleep for 6-12-year-olds is 9-12 hours of sleep. Try to avoid having too much time on electronic devices before you go to sleep because the light can affect your ability to fall asleep. If you are struggling to fall asleep at night, exercise can also help because it can make you more tired!

  • Drink Water

Water is almost the most vital thing to a human’s survival, and it’s most likely that you aren’t drinking enough of it! Children and teenagers should drink about 2-3 quarts of water a day ( that’s approximately 8-12 cups). This can vary for age, size, and gender, but 2-3 quarts is what you should aim for. To remind yourself to drink more water, get a reusable water bottle (bonus: it’s good for the environment) and make a goal to drink the entire bottle before a certain time.

  • Mental Health

Mental health is also a huge part of staying healthy. There are many ways to stay mentally healthy. Do the things you enjoy and spend a lot of time with friends and family. Don’t stress yourself out too much and plan well so you don’t find yourself in situations where you don’t know what to do. If you’re struggling with mental health, talk to someone! A helpful person to talk to would be Mrs. Bruno at DVMS!

Those are my tips for staying healthy. Don’t forget to stay consistent and enlist help if you need it. Good luck!